AMS Group, pursuing its commitment to the training and updating of employees, will offer BLSD (Basic Life Support Defibrillation) courses starting from May 2024. A further training initiative on safety that attests to the Group’s attention to the health and well-being of employees, to allow all staff and collaborators to learn basic notions to counter the emergency in the workplace and not, pending the arrival of healthcare personnel. 

The timely recognition of a cardiac arrest or the absence of “normal breathing” is essential. In most cases, in fact, the reason why a person stops breathing is a cardiac arrest. 

70 to 80% of cardiac arrests occur in out-of-hospital settings, and of these, 40% occur in the presence of witnesses, who could promptly initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers, significantly reducing mortality: these are actually initiated in only 15% of cases. Just in Italy, every year, about 60,000 people die from sudden cardiac arrest (Irc, 2015). 

In contrast to this sudden and unpredictable occurrence, BLSD (Basic Life Support Defibrillation) can prove vital, as can the proper management of an emergency, which involves lucidity and rapid action at the same time. 

AMS Group cares about the health and well-being of its employees.

A safe workplace is a common good. 

At the end of the course, participants will be awarded with a certificate issued by the Veneto Region for first aid.